(Não) convencional: Desafios, influências, intercâmbios e exploração tímbrica na composição de uma peça para xilofone solo
(delivered by Helvio Mendes)
4º Congresso Brasileiro de Percussão
Instituto de Artes | Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) | São Paulo
Communication: 'The fireflies, twinkling among leaves, make the stars wonder 'for amplified guitar and live electronics: An overview of the piece, its concept and the role of technology
TransVariations: Music beyond the limits of time and technology – International colloquium
CCCI Auditorium | Universidade de Aveiro
Sources of artistic inspiration: An analytical framework to investigate their selection and influence (pre-recorded)
GAPS2 – Global Art and Psychology Seminar: “Creativity in music and the arts”
York, Graz, La Plata, Melbourne & Online
Poesia Transfigurada: Abordagens não convencionais para a apresentação de poesia gravada
Simpósio Permanente de Investigação do CESEM #5
Creative processes in composing for guitar: An auto-investigation in retrospect
The 21st Century Guitar Conference
12:00 UTC | Online
Research on (classical) guitar multiphonics
Zoom Happy Hour for Guitar Scholars
17:00 GMT | Guitar Foundation of America | Online
Echos from Granada: Setting to music Lorca guitar-related poetry by revisiting Falla's Homenage
Tracking the Creative Process in Music
13:30 | Room CAN 219 | Colégio Almada Negreiros | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Forms of usage of guitar multiphonics: State of the art
(via Skype)
21st Century Guitar Conference
10:30 | Room 113 | Perez Building | University of Ottawa
Si amanece, nos vamos: From a Goya print to a new form of usage of guitar multiphonics (Lecture-demonstration)
NOVA Contemporary Music Meeting
17:10 | Sala das Batalhas | Palácio Fronteira | Lisboa
Guitar multiphonics: Overview of an ongoing research
International Guitar Forum | 3rd Altamira Hong Kong International Guitar Symposium
Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts
delivered by Dr. Milton Mermikides, International Guitar Research Centre, UK
A técnica de multifónicos na guitarra (Lecture-demonstration)
Festival DME 61
11:00 | Lisboa Incomum
A técnica de multifónicos na guitarra (Lecture-demonstration)
Festival DME 60 / 12º Curso de Férias de Guitarra Collegium Musicum
17:00 | Conservatório de Música de Seia
A técnica de multifónicos na guitarra (Lecture-demonstration)
Festival de Guitarra de Castelo Branco
19:00 | Conservatório Regional de Castelo Branco
A técnica de multifónicos na guitarra (Lecture-demonstration)
17:00 | Pavilhão 2 | University of Music and Performing Arts (ESMAE) | Porto
A técnica de multifónicos na guitarra (Lecture-demonstration)
14:30 | Sala dos Espelhos | Escola de Artes | Évora University | Évora
A técnica de multifónicos na guitarra (Lecture-demonstration)
15:30 | Salão Nobre | Edifício dos Congregados | Minho University | Braga
The technique of guitar multiphonics (Lecture-demonstration)
15:30 | Royal Conservatoire | Antwerp
The technique of guitar multiphonics (Lecture-demonstration)
6th Lake Constance Guitar Research Meeting
08:30 | Hotel Hoeri am Bodensee | Hemmenhofen (Germany)
The technique of guitar multiphonics (Lecture-demonstration)
5th International Scientific Meeting for Sound and Musical Instrument Studies
14:30 | Museum | Castle of Abrantes (Portugal)
The soundworld of guitar multiphonics (Lecture-recital)
(Included performance of “Si amanece, nos vamos”)
International Guitar Research Centre Conference
11:35 | University of Surrey | Guildford (UK)
O mundo sonoro da técnica de multifónicos na guitarra (Lecture-recital)
(Included performance of “Si amanece, nos vamos”)
15:00 | Auditório do CUFC | Universidade de Aveiro | Aveiro (PT)
Guitar multiphonics: Influence of amplification (Poster presentation)
9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology – CIM14
18:00 | Curt-Saachs-Saal | Museum of Musical Instruments | Berlin
Guitar multiphonics: Establishing locations
Symposium for the Launch of the International Guitar Research Centre
11:30 | University of Surrey | Guildford (UK)
Guitar multiphonics: Notations for a formalized approach
VII Simpósio Académico de Violão da EMBAP
15:00 | Auditório EMBAP | Curitiba
Multiphonics as a Compositional Element in Writing for Amplified Guitar (1)
Korean Electro-Acoustic Music Society’s 2012 Annual Conference
16:20 | Bldg. 220, Room 202 | Seoul National University | Seoul
Multiphonics as a Compositional Element in Writing for Amplified Guitar
Third International Symposium on Music and Sonic Art: Theories and Practices
10:15 | Hörsaal | Schloss Gottesaue | Karlsruhe
Das Mikrofon als kompositionelles Element
IMA Lab Nº 7
18:00 | Vortragssaal | ZKM | Karlsruhe
O microfone como elemento composicional
15:00 | Auditório 4 | Campus Foz | Universidade Católica | Porto